Planning a company’s taxes is essential for it to function well and the objective of PÉREZ DOMINGO is to find the most suitable solutions for the needs of each client.
- Tax consultancy.
- Inclusions and exclusions from taxation duties of natural persons or companies.
- Registrations, de-registrations and variations in economic activity in the corresponding business tax (IAE from the Spanish).
- Preparation of taxes based on tax obligations:
- – Value Added Tax.
- – Withholdings for Property Leasing.
- – Withholdings for Professionals.
- – Income and Assets Declarations.
- – Corporate Tax and Payments on Account.
- – Annual Declaration of Operations with Third Parties.
- – Summary Declaration of Operations within the EU.
- – Declaration of Trade within the EU Statistics (INTRASTAT).
- Assistance and Company Representation before the Tax Authorities.
- Appeals to the Tax Authorities (state, regional or local) and to the Tax Appeal Board.
- Legal responses to requirements and requests for deferrals.
- Tax Auditing.
- Studies of Tax Benefits and Exemptions.
- Issue of tax reports in view of an exceptional economic decision or event, with a study of alternatives due to possible repercussions.
- Non-resident Tax Declarations.
- Tax Due Diligence.
- Attainment of Tax/VAT ID No. for entities not residing in Spain.