PEREZ DOMINGO in constant growth
We offer our clients global legal coverage thanks to our international offices, as well as through other firms with which we have agreements of collaboration.

We offer our clients global legal coverage thanks to our international offices, as well as through other firms with which we have agreements of collaboration.
We offer our clients complete advice in the different management areas (Tax, Accounting, Labor, Legal, etc.) both nationally and internationally, with the aim of promoting their growth and help them achieve the proposed goals.
In Pérez Domingo you will be able to find the professionals you need, all of them working together to offer you a personalized service according to with what you are looking for.
The appointment of a legal representative, resident in Spain, by non-resident foreign companies without a permanent establishment, is mandatory to carry out certain procedures before the Spanish Public Administrations, as well as being the most effective means of communication with them, allowing compliance with legal deadlines and having a fiscal domicile for the purposes of notifications.
The tax planning of a company is essential for its proper functioning, and the objective of PEREZ DOMINGO is to find the most appropriate solutions to the needs of each client.
Our objective is to know the economic situation of the company, supervising its accounting in a coordinated way with the tax area, to optimize its operation and generate the best results.
Our actions take place in all jurisdictional orders. We defend the interests of the client in proceedings before the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court, Superior Courts of Justice, Provincial Courts, Criminal Courts, Social Courts, Courts of First Instance and Courts of Instruction.
We provide advice and solutions in all areas of Business Law, from the constitution of all types of commercial companies to the legal defense of their interests, as well as the start of new business projects.
The practice of Tax Law has been developing in Pérez Domingo since its foundation in 1990. Our experience allows us to offer advisory services in tax matters of a high professional value, as well as practical solutions to corporate and individual taxation.