‘Dad, mum… are you still going to love me the same way?’

That’s the question many children ask when they find out that mum and dad will no longer live together.

When a marriage ends, children don’t get to choose, but they do feel. Their well-being must come above all else, including personal interests.

Today, more than ever, divorces are increasingly common.

According to the INE, 32% of marriages in Spain end in divorce, and more and more parents are opting for joint custody—an arrangement that allows children to continue growing up with both parents.

However, it is not granted automatically.

A judge may approve joint custody based on the following factors:

  • The relationship between the parents and their children.
  • The stability and availability of each parent.
  • The proximity of their homes and prior involvement.
  • The child’s wishes if they are 12 or older.
  • And most importantly, the absence of any history of violence.

If you are currently going through a divorce, let us tell you something: We know this process can be complex, extremely difficult, and that every case is unique—but you don’t have to face it alone.

At PEREZ DOMINGO, we are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that the most important thing—the well-being of your children—remains the top priority at all times.