Pérez Domingo is a multidisciplinary firm of professionals, founded in 1990 and oriented since its inception to business consultancy. We specialise in the areas of legal, tax, accounting and labour consultancy, and we have a strong international character.
This specialisation allows us to offer our clients not only highly qualified advice, but also to be in a position to go into all aspects of company management in depth, such as: Taxation, Costs, Accounting, Financing Methods, Legal Affairs, etc., ranging from the incorporation of the company, the drafting of rental, employment, distribution and agency contracts, to the protection of your intellectual property, the preparation of prevention manuals, and the control of crimes (Corporate Compliance), due diligence, etc., and all of this also at an international level.
These two harmonised sectors, Consultancy and Law, are what allow our clients to focus the daily management of the company and the contentious aspects they may face, both in Spain and in other European countries, in the same professional office. Each management is carried out by experts and qualified professionals, which provides our clients with the confidence and guarantee of a job well done.
At Pérez Domingo, in addition to our extensive experience in the sector, we have professionals in our team who are fluent in English, French and Dutch, which facilitates communication with people or companies who contact us from other countries, allowing us to carry out any type of procedure or management that our clients, both Spanish and foreign, require at an international level.
The constant growth of PÉREZ DOMINGO would not have been possible without the trust placed by our clients in the ability, effort and dedication of our professionals. This work philosophy is what marks our own style of understanding and practising the profession.
The foundations of this firm are its human capital and its teamwork. Our aim is to know in depth the particularities and needs of each client as well as the objectives, structure and nature of their business, in order to provide them with personalised advice.
Our team is made up of thirteen professionals, all of them identified with the same objective: to add value, as well as to offer efficiency and innovation. We carry out our activity in the field of business consultancy, through Legal, Tax, Accounting and Labour Consultancy services.
We offer our clients global legal coverage thanks to our international offices, as well as through other firms with which we have collaboration agreements.
The work of our team is marked by the value of commitment, as well as by their integrity and objectivity in the framework of all their professional actions, ensuring independence and transparency for our clients.
Our clients receive personalised and close attention, where, based on our values, we get involved and commit ourselves to help them achieve their goals together, always in the best way we know how, with dedication and hard work.
The experience we have acquired, together with the continuous training our team of professionals receives and the constant spirit of service, places us in a solid position to meet the needs and offer specific support to our clients.
MISSION: To offer high-level professional services, enabling our clients to find the best solutions to their issues, as well as helping them to improve their economic growth and competitiveness, while satisfying their professional needs, in full and from a single office.
VISION: We want to consolidate our position as the benchmark firm for legal, tax, accounting and labour advice in the business world and that our experience and professional knowledge contribute to the achievement of our clients’ objectives.
VALUES: The firm bases its professional and social performance on its corporate values of quality, trust and commitment. We always keep our clients in mind, which is why we try to be accessible, approachable, loyal and above all, honest.
Fundador - Presidente de honor
Socia - Directora del Departamento Laboral
Graduado Social - Licenciada en Ciencias del Trabajo
Derecho Laboral (SMAC, Despidos, ERE, Reclamación Salarios)
Derecho a la Seguridad Social (Prestaciones)
Consultoria y Auditoría Laboral
Gestión Laboral a Empresas (Afiliación, Contratos de trabajo, Nominas, etc.)
Recursos Humanos y Relaciones Laborales
Idiomas: Español e Inglés
Socia - Directora del Departamento de Consultoría y Desarrollo de Negocio
Consultora - Licenciada en Ciencias Empresariales
Asesora de Negocios
Consultoría de Gestión y Estrategia Empresarial
Gestión de Proyectos
Análisis de Viabilidad
Due Diligence (operaciones de adquisición y venta de empresas)
Idiomas: Español y Francés
Responsable del Departamento Laboral
Abogada - Licenciada en Derecho Socio-Laboral
Derecho Laboral (SMAC, Despidos, ERE, Reclamación Salarios)
Derecho a la Seguridad Social(Prestaciones)Consultoría y Auditoría Laboral
Gestión Laboral a Empresas (Afiliación, Contratos de trabajo, Nóminas, etc...)
Recursos Humanos y Relaciones Laborales
Idiomas: Español e Inglés
Departamento Laboral
Abogada - Licenciada en Derecho
Contratación y Despidos
Cumplimiento Laboral
Litigios Laborales
Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Búlgaro
Responsable del Departamento Fiscal y Contable
Graduada en Derecho - Licenciada en Asesoría Fiscal y Tributaria
Derecho Societario
Impuestos de No Residentes
Impuestos de Sociedades
Tributación Local
Procedimientos Tributarios (Nuevas Tecnologías)
Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Catalán
Responsable del Departamento de Marketing y Comunicación
Licenciada en ADE y Marketing
Desarrollo de Estrategias
Gestión de Marca
Supervisión de actividades digitales (SEO y SEM)
Creación y Gestión de contenido
Idiomas: Español e Inglés
Responsable del Departamento de Administración
Administración - Licenciada en Filología Inglesa
Administración y Secretariado
Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Francés
Ayudante al Departamento de Administración
Licenciada en Comercio Exterior - Diplomada en Ciencias Empresariales
Administración y Secretariado
Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Rumano
Departamento Jurídico
Abogada - Licenciada en Derecho
Derecho de Daños, Responsabilidad y Seguros
Derecho Penal
Corporate Compliance
Derecho de Familia
Derecho Administrativo
Derecho Deportivo
Mediadora en el ámbito Civil, Familia, Penal y Mercantil.
Idiomas: Español e Inglés
Desk de Bruselas
Abogado - Licenciado en Derecho
Derecho Mercantil y de los Negocios
Derecho de Propiedad Intelectual
Derecho de las Nuevas Tecnologías
Idiomas: Francés, Inglés y Español
Departamento Jurídico
Abogada UE - Licenciada en Derecho
Derecho Mercantil y Societario
Derecho Concursal
Derecho Inmobiliario y Registral
Derecho Europeo e Internacional
Derecho Civil
Derecho Deportivo
Arbitraje - Miembro Comité Franco Español
Mediadora en el ambito civil y mercantil
Idiomas: Francés, Inglés, Español y Holandés
Desk de Eindhoven (Holanda)
Abogado - Licenciado en Derecho
Derecho de Sociedades (Fusiones y Adquisiciones)
Derecho Corporativo y Contractual
Derecho Financiero
Derecho Energético
Derecho de Propiedad Intelectual (Nuevas Tecnologías)
Idiomas: Holandés e Inglés
Departamento jurídico
Abogada - Licenciada en Derecho
Extranjería e Inmigración
Idiomas: Español e Inglés
Desk de Bruselas
Abogado - Licenciado en Derecho
Derecho Mercantil
Derecho Inmobiliario
Derecho Informático
Mediador en el ámbito Civil y Comercial
Idiomas: Francés, Inglés y Holandés
Desk de La Haya (Holanda)
Abogado - Licenciado en Derecho
Derecho Farmacéutico
Derecho del Consumo
Derecho Mercantil y de los Negocios