Last Friday, 25th October, PEREZ DOMINGO attended the conference ‘Mental Health in the Company: the company as an agent of health’ at the Confederación Empresarial de la Comunitat Valenciana, organised together with the COPCV.
It was an event where mental health experts and business leaders shared ideas and strategies to improve psychological well-being at work.
Thanks to all participants for your commitment to labour welfare: Eva Blasco García (President of CEV Valencia), Francisco Santolaya (Dean of the COPCV), Bartolomé Pérez Gálvez (Regional Office of Mental Health), Juan Carlos Castellanos (Deputy Director of INVASSAT), Francisco Javier Cantera Herrero, PILAR DEL PUEBLO LÓPEZ, Alberto Ara Espasa (ATA-Valencia), Maria Eugenia Gómez de la Flor García (Flor Lawyers), Rafael Serra Sanjuan (Peronda Group) y arturo cerveró duato (CEV).
A lot of topics were discussed and in the meantime, there were a couple of phrases that inspired us a lot and we want to share them with you:
🔸 ‘Beyond happiness is well-being at work’.
🔸”As important is the company’s purpose as the employee’s; without balance, both lose motivation and commitment.’
🔸‘A boss owns his time but not the employees’ time.’
🔸”Don’t cheat your own solitaire.’
🔸”A piece of advice also takes you out of your comfort zone’
🔸‘Let’s look for fireproof employees’.